Friday, November 22, 2013

Assalamualaikum.  Dear reader. It has been a year since my last entry. It has been quite a loud yet soothing year. Granted a lovely daughter, Nurul Ilham, re define the word amazing and tought me the meaning of syukr, in a big scale - bigger than whale. (Whale?)
Through my reading, I've come to a conclusion that wealth need to be  pioneered by some kind of lost, the bigger the bigger the wealth will be. So i wondered, when will I encounter any kind of losses? And voila! No explaination needed. Let me keep in for myself. May Allah grant me a lot of success after this hurtful experience.  Amin.

In my confused and tiring quest for success, sometimes it comes a time that path forward is nowhere to be found. So I took some rest and reflect all the challenges that I've been through... hadehh.. ponek la cakap omputih.. rehat sat.. ( ni la punce assignment x siap ni)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mistakes are to be repaired, not cried over - RED -

Couple of week earlier, in a cramped toilet of Balai Islam Lundang, Kota Baharu, suddenly a smell -less idea pops up. I was answering nature calls, it was a book and PC fair. My brain is answering question of " how can i make more money, is there a business that really suit my lifestyle or do i need to sacrifice something, if i do, can i endure it? - albeit forever? what's hot on the market? would an IPO solve the investment problem? Why iguana change its color? then this question appear - if i can sell books or comic on the playstore (a download site for android user) would i then be rich? hmmm... lets do some due diligence.

- On risk to reward ratio.
. The best thing selling book online especially is a humongous reduce on production cost. Just Imagine selling thousands of books - without the need of printing it? sound good enough for me.
. No delivery expense - reducing the carbon footprint. No commission for publication company, 
.Pricing - less cost, less price. RM 5/ novel is fine for the sale of 5000 copy. 

-On hardworkship.
. SOHO should be enough to operate this company. using time wisely should produce more book for more profit - vice versa. 
. If i write the book myself it might take 5-6 month to write the book, plus 1 month to proof read etc. but I'm not a good writer, so if i manage to convinced a good writer for 60-40 profit sharing, i can produce many book under my company label, Hence - more profit.

So, how do i start? i know this seems too ambitious, even to an ambitious person like me (ambition only, no progress).

I'm taking Kiyosaki's tips seriously - take small steps, start small. so I've decide to make a website for my wife. It was planned few month earlier but never has started. This website or blog will be my guiding dogs to look for the "unclear" path of producing my books. To keep in touch with current digital lifestyle and needs. 

Yes, it's not a new thing. But since I've never budge to give any attention to it before, it will be a good start for me. And there's the first lesson for this project. Doing something familiar and be an expert on it, takes less time and energy than learning something new and be an expert at it. So I'm going back to blogspot as my blog platform rather than wordpress that I'm currently using.

The all new blog of jawablah Dr. Azizah will be reveal soon, enjoy..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thanks -PINK-

By the time I'm writing this log, our marriage is aged 2 years and 9 month. Its a commitment blessed with happiness and all the great thing - except a child. After numerous test taken, there is no clear indicator on whats stopping us from having one - from medical point of view. Although deep inside we believe that everything that happen or not happen is only on Allah's will.

But since Allah gave us the liberty to work on what we want and pursue anything that within the limit of Islam, we decided the try the aided reproduction technique, IVF. if you want to know more about this technique, you can always browse for it. There's so many articles related to this topic. Its the non written stuff, the sacrifice of a woman in having a baby. And the torture wasn't started during this treatment. Its logged way long before this. From fellow friend and relatives that keep asking, from the age that adding the numbers and reduce the possibilities, husband that like to jokes about polygamy (joke only lah!), making the right choice and many more.

Its a nice Wednesday morning, we are referred to Hospital Kuala Terengganu on an appointment set by Hospital Kota Baharu O&G department - to see an aided reproduction expert. This is the only hospital that provide IVF service in east coast area. After a quick interview and analysis, they found out that my wife menstrual cycle is suit for the soonest folical retrieval clinic. Simply mean that we can skip a 3 month drug program just to make sure that the ovulation day suit the clinic date! But I'm sure that they have a very good reason for that and I'm glad we don't have to endure that treatment. Of course there's many things to be rearrange in the short while. Alhamdulillah we manage to sort everything out.

Then there's the mean of this posting. I would like to thank my wife - Azizah Othman, for her willingness to take most of the pain and challenges during the process. Takings plenty of drug shots directly to the stomach every night for the past 2 weeks, enduring the pain after the eggs retrieval while having her regular ear pain, the humiliation of the treatment itself and many more unexpressed downsides just to have 20% chances to have more pain in the labor room, to have the most wonderful gift of life.

If you're reading this, i just want you to know - no matter we succeed or not, now or in any time in the future. I will always love you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dum BaDa Dum

Welcome to my new looked - old blog. It has been stalled for quite a while due to a technical error partly and human error mostly. After finding out the solution, I've quickly made all necessary changes including changing the way it looks. And yeah, it does give me some kind of good feeling looking at it as it represent me in more delicate ways. If i can put a smell on it, i would use CK one. Its really a wonderful restart. And its not going to stop here. Changes will continue to the owner of the blog, hehehe.. for quite some times I've dream of reforming stuff around me. I really like things to be colorful, vibrant, sound nice, smell good, feel great and taste wonderful. But being human, i cant stop from having an inner world that restricting me from having all of these. Despite having a peaceful feelings towards those that have this kind of surrounding, I've failed to make any necessary change. Its like standing in the land of dullness while looking across the world of Alice in wonderland.

So, enough with the DULL speech. I,m going to cheer my life now. And should yours!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real Steel Real Life

Arrived @ home 10 minutes ago from watching the movie Real Steel with my old time buddy, Arul. although i should write about my day @ the 60 RAJD recruit camp first, i want to record this before it got cold. Actually I'm not very interested in watching this movie due to a discouraging review from a reporter in one of our English newspaper but after watching it, i guess that the reporter must have different kind of interest in terms of movie genre.. A Charlie Chaplin, i think. here's my amateur review.
I've been studying something called NLP, it tell you how your mind works and how to manipulate it to get good results in whatever you do in life, and it modeled what we call successful behavior and how to put it in others. To date there's plenty of ways on how to put this thing to work. Basely it is used in the field of therapy, creatively it is manipulated in some crucial areas like politics and movies. It is not an easy subject to be mastered, furthermore manipulated. So for those that have manage to play around with this thing, i believed that they have invested a lot of time and effort, hence deserved to be respected. watching it for two hours convince me that it consist of plenty of creative hours just to plan the storyboard especially if my intuition doesn't lie to me that they used plenty of psychological technique such as NLP, subliminal message as the context of the story. the movie is very straight forward, easy watching and it deserve the every cent i paid for it. throughout the 2 hours it will play with your emotion, your state.. and it ended with you feeling very positive, motivated and energetic. It gives you the feeling that make you sometimes go back and re-watched it just to experience the pleasant feeling, once more. its like having 2 hours of motivation camp - that cost you RM 11.. and you cant refuse the motivation, like you refuse your facilitator and module! do our local film maker do these kind of study and produce the same result? i don't think so.
Its the money and market size factor, i heard you say. Again, I don't think so. This movie features robot as its main theme. They had done well.. in fact, too well. the graphic is so perfect that you would forget that it's just a graphic! and since you forget, it doesn't matter anymore. They had make it so well that you forget the fact that we don't live with robot... yet.. its so natural that we feel like we've already having them for years. so the robot is no big deal, you can exchange them with goldfish and still have the same good feeling. So money and market size is not the factor. What then?
Hot babes and pole dance? Nope. I cant recall any sexual scene except for couples of quick kiss and a hug. The heroin doesn't show much of her ....- i do not sure its fantastic or not, she doesn't emphasize it much-body. They proved that they can make great movies even when sex is not involved. I wonder why does the Malay movie maker struggling to prove otherwise.
in a nutshell ( I've learn this word from a MUET teaching teacher blog's.. hehehe..), there's a nut..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


kepada para suri rumah yang dah belaja menjahit langsir, edisi dibawakan khas untuk anda terutamanya yang ade lelaki pemaleh @ tak reti nak pasang rod langsir. Ikuti panduan bergambar di bawah..

1. Pastikan rumah anda mempunyai tingkap

2. Tugasan kali ini memerlukan sekaki tangga (betul ke penjodoh bilangan nih?) tukul, drill + mata untuk mengorek batu, extension wire, pembaris @ yang sewaktu dengannya.

3. Ukur dan tandakan tempat yang nak ditebut. Yang ni kene hati- hati dan gunakan sedikit imaginasi. Buat satu garisan penanda aras. boleh gunakan jarak dari aras lintol @ paras bawah baru bunga, atau apa2 sahaja yang didapati mempunyai tinggi yang sama pada semua tingkap. Lepas tu bayangkan dimana sepatutnya skru itu patut berada. pastu, ukur dan tanda.

4. Seterusnya, tebuk dengan berhati - hati, pastikan drill berada di tengah - tengah paksi x,y dan z. pastikan tempat yang nak ditebuk bukan laluan wayar elektrik atau paip air atau bersedialah untuk menerima akibatnya! hohoho...

5. Seterusnya masukkan wall plug (biasanya datang sekali dengan rod. kalau x de boleh la dapatkan di hardware tempat anda beli rod ini (biasanya beli rod kat hardware lagi murah dari kat kedai, lagi - lagi kalau dah biase beli ngan die. cume pilihan je yg tak banyak./x ade. yang ni berharga RM 6 sekaki)

6. Pastu boleh la skrukan pemegang rod itu ke dinding. Buat la untuk semua pemegang yang ada dalam set tu.

7. Dah pon shiap, boleh la bergaya di hari raya ini.. kalau x de langsir baru nak pasang pon dah nampak bergaya.. heheh..

Selamat Mencuba!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In-Situ Vs. Software

Baru - baru ni, aku ade download sejenis software Photo editor -PhotoScape - yang boleh didapati secara percuma. persepsi awal, aku ingat bende ni x le grand sangat. Al maklum la, free. tapi bile da test.. perghh.. sikit lagi nak same ngan photoshop daa.. tgk la sendiri gamba yang diambil dengan henset kamera Nokia E5 ni.. setelah diedit, menarik la jugak gambarnye. so dah jimat, boleh la aku lupekan cita - cita aku untuk membazir dengan membelu kamera DSLR.. hehe.