Thursday, July 23, 2009

Action beats inaction

really understand this word.. but i really wish it is as simple and easy as it sounds.. to implement it, i had ruled down some dicilipline to be done everyday.
  1. Wake up as early as we could without feeling sleepy in daytime but not later than 6.30.
  2. solat and do some slow cardiavascular evercise just to increase metabolism and increasing the volume of oxygen entering our brain to start it up.
  3. read our mission/target for 1. our life/death 2. the year 3. the month 4. the day
  4. start to think as wise as james bond/McGuyver
  5. ready 3..2..1.. Action!

p/s: having a daily planner is great if utilised its function to the fullest.

notes: to have a great life, we need to be great first.. so lets upgrade ourself.. download any usefull skills.. be the best!

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