Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm proud to be stupid v.2.0

There are many kind of people, in education, there are people like those C.E.O of ultra-hyper-mega (U-H-M)company which own great education and high creativity, people like the worker of the U-H-M-company which have education, skill and a lot of disciplines to follow the dont-be-creative s.o.p or k.p.i from their peer, and there are owner of U-H-M company like Bill Gates which the education is mostly based on creativity and make more error to make more success education. (After all,where do you think the knowledge of light bulb came from?)

There are so many knowledge available in this universe, and there are so many way to learn, why do we need to stick only to one kind of education? even though its what most people reckon, it doesn't mean that it suit us for good, at all... yup, it is the basic knowledge and we need it to further our learning to a higher level. But for me, higher level is mine to determine. Its mine to accredit it. But don't take me wrong, I'm not against conventional education. Its yours to choose, or better, combined.

For this log is meant for them who no longer can accept formal education, or too old to enjoyed it. what i'm trying to express is that we always can be stupid in one side and be brilliant or even genius in the other side. Our goal will determined what should we acquire most. Don't stop, don't quit, don't give up, there will always be hope, as long as you dont stop hoping. Knowledge is Allah's. He can give anything that he want to. lets pray to be better in everything good.. Bismillah.....

I'm proud to be stupid

I used to think that I'm smart. I used to have good grade in my big examination, UPSR, PMR not to mention mid year and year end test. I used to think that it was a gift from Allah because it was almost effortless, i didn't finish my homework, i don't memorized "sifir" (for me its more like "sihir"). I talked when the teacher talked, i didn't go to tuition classes, i didn't revised that much. I involved and love illegal race. All these crap, I still compete with those that have better education - based family.

But it ended there, as soon as i put my self in jail they called good-grade-elite-school. I don't hate them, and its not their fault. They has prove themselves as they gave birth to many successful people. But like car wheel, they will kill each other if they don't align. Its me that fail to suit in. i glad i didn't. if i do, this log will not been published.

Its the no-fail education that locked me up. or better explained locked my brain up. when everything must be done according to their rules (don't-be-creative rules) synapses (electrical signal that braincell send to other braincell) stops and my brain turn into sleep mode (and the brain tell me to sleep in class as well! :D).

To be continued....


Saturday, March 6, 2010


Reading my past writing in this blog always make me smile - sometimes chuckled! not because of the content, but to grammatical error and the lacking of vocabulary and the not to forget, the stupidity of the idea.. hahaha. There are many occasion that i want to re-write it, improve the content, make it more interesting but i didn't. I believe that I'm improving rapidly in many areas and writing these blog help me to keep track on my own I.Q, E.Q, S.Q, B.B.Q.....whatsoever..

So far I've learned that some of my writing copy most of the thought and principle from books that I've recently read of from any lecture that I've listen. Its not so pure, like many of those 'copy-from-the-bestseller' books, so cliche that it'll make u sleep in 60 seconds.

Hmm.. suddenly i feel like mind-mapping my strength v.s weaknesses in writing and creative.. I think you should do that too!!! JOM!!


Monday, March 1, 2010


This two week has been strenuous to my wife and me, and perhaps, everyone around us. as early as our 2nd month of marriage my wife has been diagnose with stage 2b uni-lateral ovarian carcinoma a.k.a ovarian cancer. On knowing this many thought lingering around us, such as may we have a child later on? would this surgery be safe on my wife? i just want my wife to be safe and healthy..

Helps pouring in. people pray, solat hajat, recite yaa- sinn verse, buying and giving books on cancer, recommending ustaz for doa and healing water, buying food suplement, nevertheless.. rain of tears.. thanks everyone!

i just cant help myself but thinking of it day and nite.. specially the night before the operation.

the day...

They mobilized her @ 8.30 a.m to the operation theater we (kak ina, makcik and i) waited patiently @ ward 8td HUSM. The operation is run by team 4 leaded by Prof Nik Zaki. whose they claim one of the best in O&G.

i goes to the O.T (Operation Theater) @ noon as anxiety start eating me alive. as soon as i dip my butt on the bench the doctor call me.. jeng jeng jeng... she show me the flesh that they had taken out of my wife, there are 10 of them, 2 as big as my fist, and 8 little one.. and guess what, its all benign!!!! Alhamdulillah..