Ramai yang dah nampak gambar saya masuk radio Malaysia kelantan, ramai yang bertanya dan tertanya2.. apa kezadahnya (haeam zadah ialah bahasa urdhu.. haram jadah tak tau la mane usal usulnya)yang dibuat oleh budak didi ni masuk dalam konti, ade yang ingat saya dah tuka keje, ade yang ingat saya seorang tokoh MLM yang berjaya (HAHAHA!!), secara langsung atau tidak, cepat @ lambat, berita mengenai saya menjalankan training telah tersebar luas.. ada yang dah offer untuk buat training (bos aku je pon.. hehe).. sudahkah saya bersedia untuk ke peringkat seterusnya? jeng jeng jeng.......
Buruk @ baik, baik @ buruk perkara ini belum tahu lagi, apa2 pun perubahan dah mula terasa pada diri sendiri.. menjadi lebih bijak mengawal emosi dan yang penting, persepsi.. ada yang menjuih bibir.. heh! ye la tu! hakikatnya kalau orang kata sekarang saya ni teruk.. diorang tak jumpa saya 5 tahun lepas.. hahaha.. ingat sendiri2, sendiri mau ingat.. badan sendiri, sendiri yang tahu.. bagi saya sekarang apa yang penting bukan sahaja persepsi sendiri, tetapi persepsi orang lain dan bagaimana mengawalnya... pengawalnya ialah pemimpin terbilang.. pemimpin paling terbilang, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W...
Salah satu teknik dalam NLP ialah mengenali konteks, dan modelling.. tak salah rasanya untuk gunakannya bagi mengenali Rasulullah S.A.W.. jadi ini adalah matlamat terbaru dalam program saya yang akan datang.. NLP + CBT + Sunnah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.. semoga saya akan berjumpa dengan guru yang terbaik.. insyaAllah..
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pilih kawan
Orang selalu kata, kalau kawan ngan pencuri, jadi pencuri, kawan ngan ustaz jadi org alim, aku nak tambah sikit.. kawin ngan doktor, masuk radio!!! hahaha.. hari ni dalam sejarah masuk dalam konti Radio kelantan, selalu kalau dengar Dr. Azman Ching masuk dalam radio, aku mesti teruja pasal org yang aku kenal masuk radio.. tapi hari ini... hins hins hins.. (bunyi nafas hidung kembang) walaupun suara aku tak masuk langsung la..
seperti biasa bile aku meneman wife aku buat program ape2 pon mesti orang akan suspek aku ni doktor gak.. x terkecuali la kali ni.. siap promote nak iklankan program motivasi aku lagik.. hehe.. agaknye aku boleh belajar dari situasi ni untuk aku sebarkan kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai masalah inferiority complex bile org kaitkan suami ni dengan pekerjaan isteri yang jauh lebih tinggi tarafnya.. macamana nak coping contohnye...
Tapi cerita pasal tu lain kali la.. nak bergembira dulu.. untill next time.. daaa!!!
seperti biasa bile aku meneman wife aku buat program ape2 pon mesti orang akan suspek aku ni doktor gak.. x terkecuali la kali ni.. siap promote nak iklankan program motivasi aku lagik.. hehe.. agaknye aku boleh belajar dari situasi ni untuk aku sebarkan kepada sesiapa yang mempunyai masalah inferiority complex bile org kaitkan suami ni dengan pekerjaan isteri yang jauh lebih tinggi tarafnya.. macamana nak coping contohnye...
Tapi cerita pasal tu lain kali la.. nak bergembira dulu.. untill next time.. daaa!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tahniah kepada diri saya sendiri dan jugak untuk wife tercinta, Azizah Bt. Othman kerana berjaya menamatkan course 3 hari kepada guru2 Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) di kelantan. Ini adalah 3 hari penuh ujipandu kerjaya impian saya sebagai trainer.. seperti yang dijangkakan, saya belajar lebih banyak daripada course ini daripada peserta... ?(hahaha.. mendalam nih)..
Dan hari ini saya bernekad untuk menggunakan dengan segera pengajaran yang saya dapati dengan cara membuat modul NLP untuk course 2 hari penuh.. chayok!!
Dan hari ini saya bernekad untuk menggunakan dengan segera pengajaran yang saya dapati dengan cara membuat modul NLP untuk course 2 hari penuh.. chayok!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Kalau nak kate ilham, hari2 pon ade... kalau ikot ati nanti binase, memandangkan ini bulaN POSE.. Ya Allah, ilhamkanlah yang luar biase.
nak kuat mudah aje, angkat besi otot kenyal, nak berani cam susah je, risiko besar jiwa mau kental.
kata orang macam macam, kalau diikut tak jadi keje, asalkan usahanya tak haram, ape jadi redah aje...
hari tu terdengar satu ustaz cakap yang bulan pose ni rezeki orang beriman akan bertambah.. bile dengar tu dan check balik income bulan ni yang merudum sesuai dengan keadaan ekonomi semase (walaupun PM kate ekonomi dah baik) ditambah pulak ngan bonus yang cume 1/3 dari biase.. tetibe je rase kerdil.. (ye la kalau beriman =rezeki bertambah, rezeki berkurang = ?)
Tapi sejak malam tadi, mencuranh2 idea dan ilham lengkap dengan perasaan confidentnye.. akhirnya aku insaf yang duit gaji dan bonus tu cume ape yang bos bagi.. dan boz punye rezeki pon bukan la dari die sendiri.. kan semuanya dari Allah.. sesungguhnya idea, ilham, peluang dan keyakinan tu kan lebih berharga dari semua yang bos aku mampu bagi.. subhanAllah.. insaf.. insaf..
nak kuat mudah aje, angkat besi otot kenyal, nak berani cam susah je, risiko besar jiwa mau kental.
kata orang macam macam, kalau diikut tak jadi keje, asalkan usahanya tak haram, ape jadi redah aje...
hari tu terdengar satu ustaz cakap yang bulan pose ni rezeki orang beriman akan bertambah.. bile dengar tu dan check balik income bulan ni yang merudum sesuai dengan keadaan ekonomi semase (walaupun PM kate ekonomi dah baik) ditambah pulak ngan bonus yang cume 1/3 dari biase.. tetibe je rase kerdil.. (ye la kalau beriman =rezeki bertambah, rezeki berkurang = ?)
Tapi sejak malam tadi, mencuranh2 idea dan ilham lengkap dengan perasaan confidentnye.. akhirnya aku insaf yang duit gaji dan bonus tu cume ape yang bos bagi.. dan boz punye rezeki pon bukan la dari die sendiri.. kan semuanya dari Allah.. sesungguhnya idea, ilham, peluang dan keyakinan tu kan lebih berharga dari semua yang bos aku mampu bagi.. subhanAllah.. insaf.. insaf..
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The enterprise
Captain’s log:
Sunday, August 08, 2010.
Plus minus 30 minutes before departure from Kota Bharu bus station. My beloved wife is doing her isya’ prayer. Since afternoon, without any conscious reason, I feel so close to Kelantan.. almost like home. I was chasing the feeling all over my body to ask what’s going on, but the feeling keep avoiding me. This feeling is no alien to me –I had the same feeling some time in my life-that whenever it comes, the craving for personal freedom and independence increases… before it goes back down again (off course. Hehe). It has touched the threshold few times but not strong enough for me to make a big decision.. my past decision to take a baby step in my action has always dictated my decision making machine... Then I realize also few times in my life that it would be easier if we know what would happen in the future, when we take that huge step, then there will be no hesitation for us isn’t it? I believe that almost everyone in this world has experienced this (if not where the job of fortune teller come from?). But when Allah prohibited us from fortune telling or fortune knowing, for me it’s simply that Allah wants us to take risk!
Hmmm.. Well I guess that’s it.. the feeling that I’ve got this evening until now.. maybe that is my guts telling me “ Hey dude! Come on get out there and get some risks.. Get the life you have always dreamt off. Just like the old days when you always love street racing and all those adventures you have had at that time. Just maybe in a different field and a different game.. but with me, GUTS!, that you locked deep down here.. for such a long time….” Yeah maybe it’s right.. fear has crippled me from making any big decision…. Until… hmm, I am hoping that it is as easy as saying “now”…
Well, maybe it is!
Sunday, August 08, 2010.
Plus minus 30 minutes before departure from Kota Bharu bus station. My beloved wife is doing her isya’ prayer. Since afternoon, without any conscious reason, I feel so close to Kelantan.. almost like home. I was chasing the feeling all over my body to ask what’s going on, but the feeling keep avoiding me. This feeling is no alien to me –I had the same feeling some time in my life-that whenever it comes, the craving for personal freedom and independence increases… before it goes back down again (off course. Hehe). It has touched the threshold few times but not strong enough for me to make a big decision.. my past decision to take a baby step in my action has always dictated my decision making machine... Then I realize also few times in my life that it would be easier if we know what would happen in the future, when we take that huge step, then there will be no hesitation for us isn’t it? I believe that almost everyone in this world has experienced this (if not where the job of fortune teller come from?). But when Allah prohibited us from fortune telling or fortune knowing, for me it’s simply that Allah wants us to take risk!
Hmmm.. Well I guess that’s it.. the feeling that I’ve got this evening until now.. maybe that is my guts telling me “ Hey dude! Come on get out there and get some risks.. Get the life you have always dreamt off. Just like the old days when you always love street racing and all those adventures you have had at that time. Just maybe in a different field and a different game.. but with me, GUTS!, that you locked deep down here.. for such a long time….” Yeah maybe it’s right.. fear has crippled me from making any big decision…. Until… hmm, I am hoping that it is as easy as saying “now”…
Well, maybe it is!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
THE TRAINING (the blues side of the training
New exciting experience has proved itself to change one’s life as it does to me today. 17 July 2010 must have been meaningful to many of us, be it pleasant or a complete disaster… or both. For me this is a date I want to remember as good as I remembered my wife’s birthday because today is the first day I deliver NLP training. Alhamdulillah, Allah must have blessed me a lot by giving me such a sweet, cheerful and sporting audience from Kumpulan Angkatan Muda YPU (KAMY). Although thrilling, excitement has done a very good job on releasing dopamine hormone at a very right time and a very high level. Lost in time is a new predicate for me today as what I figured out could take less than one hour has beaten 2 hour timeline easily and craving for more! State, now mean a lot to me as in this short seminar I’ve experienced a time when I operate at a very disadvantaged, uncertain and anxious state especially in the beginning of the talk, and I found that I couldn’t bring out most of the fact that I’ve rehearsed many time before. But as I get more comfortable and start to operate in a state of certainty, all the ideas popped out one by one.. easily and smoothly. Suddenly everything become crystal clear and I began to deliver the talk as if I’ve done a lot of it before.
3 weeks before this training take place, I began to study the module from my practitioner program and try to come out with a simpler but intensive yet easy to understand module. How am I surprised with my ability to compressed 8 days training into 2 hours! And I start to believe that something has gone wrong. There’s must be something that I’ve missed. And this wisdom of knowing what I do not know has brought me to a higher understanding of NLP after watching many videos and some reading from book written by the earlier and more popular NLP expert and also book from the founder of NLP. Having a basic knowledge of it make things easier and natural.
Whatever happen today be it bad or good, I hope that I succeeded in giving them the idea of how great they’re inside and how easy change can be made, if they’re willing enough
3 weeks before this training take place, I began to study the module from my practitioner program and try to come out with a simpler but intensive yet easy to understand module. How am I surprised with my ability to compressed 8 days training into 2 hours! And I start to believe that something has gone wrong. There’s must be something that I’ve missed. And this wisdom of knowing what I do not know has brought me to a higher understanding of NLP after watching many videos and some reading from book written by the earlier and more popular NLP expert and also book from the founder of NLP. Having a basic knowledge of it make things easier and natural.
Whatever happen today be it bad or good, I hope that I succeeded in giving them the idea of how great they’re inside and how easy change can be made, if they’re willing enough
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sports, at last..
About a year ago, i was wondering why is that that I'm not as good as any other guys when compared in sports activities.. what does these guys have that give them access to almost to any type of sports available on earth.. even if they are not used to it before. While this thinking goes on and on, i committing myself to be good in playing carom as it is the most available games in my workplace.. after a while I'm getting good at it.. i even developing some personal shooting techniques that some of my colleague's reckon it as my "blagak" shot. After a while i become a good player from nothing! for those who not used to plating this game "kedai kopi" style, i tell you that it is the most painful place to start, we are yelling, cursing, de-motivating and bragging to each other. For those with weak heart, a small fight is irresistible.. and it least likely for those weak hearted fellas to comeback to the battleground ( i make it sound good isn't it.. ha ha).
3 days ago my colleage and i was introduce to a game called "pentanque" and we have to get ready for a tournament in 2 days time! so I've got the chance to test my old theory that i cant be good in sport like other guys did, because those sport-friendly guys and i is now on par. For two days we do intensive training in this very fun game. throwing these RM 650 stainless steel balls to a small balls they call jack to get as close to it as possible, and believe me its not as easy as it sound. each of us only got three balls and we need to risk it sometimes to clear the opponent's balls. On the tournament dayw e manage to go to second round before the school boys (they represent the school in this game) defeat us.. very thin winning that is.. i can see they sweating like crazy when we catch up with them so quickly. Now, what i found was.. these sport guys is no better than me is term of understanding and playing the game. Sometimes i notice that i can make better shot then them.. so what is making them better?
its our state.. sometimes we take outside information, yelling, cursing, DE-motivating and bragging too personally that we make it real for us. Its the psychology inside us. its our physiology that affect us. when we operate in weak physiology then we'll be as good as weak! its what we are focusing on that 's matter.. are we focusing on the game, or the cursing? its our internal voice... its all because of us.. and yet we continue to blame the environment....
Unleash the power within!
3 days ago my colleage and i was introduce to a game called "pentanque" and we have to get ready for a tournament in 2 days time! so I've got the chance to test my old theory that i cant be good in sport like other guys did, because those sport-friendly guys and i is now on par. For two days we do intensive training in this very fun game. throwing these RM 650 stainless steel balls to a small balls they call jack to get as close to it as possible, and believe me its not as easy as it sound. each of us only got three balls and we need to risk it sometimes to clear the opponent's balls. On the tournament dayw e manage to go to second round before the school boys (they represent the school in this game) defeat us.. very thin winning that is.. i can see they sweating like crazy when we catch up with them so quickly. Now, what i found was.. these sport guys is no better than me is term of understanding and playing the game. Sometimes i notice that i can make better shot then them.. so what is making them better?
its our state.. sometimes we take outside information, yelling, cursing, DE-motivating and bragging too personally that we make it real for us. Its the psychology inside us. its our physiology that affect us. when we operate in weak physiology then we'll be as good as weak! its what we are focusing on that 's matter.. are we focusing on the game, or the cursing? its our internal voice... its all because of us.. and yet we continue to blame the environment....
Unleash the power within!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The price of a procastination
several years ago.. (at least it seems that long) i was forced to have multiple bank account for my salary purpose. One of it has an ATM card while the other don't. That's mean that i need to go to the bank and transfer the money from one account to the other in order to have the freedom of using the ATM card. And its really a hassle. So i decide to use online banking. and it took me 2 years or so to create the account. That mean that in 2 years i had to Que to transfer the money, another 2 Que to pay the bills (one for celcom and one for the rest of it) that is equal to approx. 3 hours per month, which means that i had wasted around 72 hours of my life by queuing.. just for the sake of procrastinating.
Now lets count that into something else. if i want to read a full English book, it'll take me around 10 hours to finish it. =72/10 = 7.2. if i had read 7.2 book of hypnotism, i might have the skill to make rapid induction by now. If i can make RM 25 sales per hours, i should have 72*20= Rm 1800.. hmm.. that should be enough to repaint by car.. or if i put it into a fixed deposit with 7% profit (Islamic), i will have extra RM 252.. and the list will go on and on..
To create an account took me around 5-10 minutes. Procrastinating it, make me lost so many.. and that is just a small area of my life.. just imagine what will happen if i take care of myself and take control of my life.. deciding on some thing good and directly applying it... continuously.. hmmm.. i suspect that the future will be a lot better than now..
Now lets count that into something else. if i want to read a full English book, it'll take me around 10 hours to finish it. =72/10 = 7.2. if i had read 7.2 book of hypnotism, i might have the skill to make rapid induction by now. If i can make RM 25 sales per hours, i should have 72*20= Rm 1800.. hmm.. that should be enough to repaint by car.. or if i put it into a fixed deposit with 7% profit (Islamic), i will have extra RM 252.. and the list will go on and on..
To create an account took me around 5-10 minutes. Procrastinating it, make me lost so many.. and that is just a small area of my life.. just imagine what will happen if i take care of myself and take control of my life.. deciding on some thing good and directly applying it... continuously.. hmmm.. i suspect that the future will be a lot better than now..
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Honestly, its not the title that i want to put in the first place.. but i cant remember the real one that popped up while I'm driving just now. I think I'm gonna start with Darwin's theory that i honestly don't believe like.... at all. Its just against Islam and can be debated academically and off course, @ kedai kopi. The question is, why does man stop evolving? why didn't we grow our self a pair of wings so that we don't have to pay Tony Fernandez our hard earned greens? for me the answer is simple. The theory is a bullshit!.. (ha ha.. this really sounds extreme when i re-read it.)
what I'm trying to express is that i really think that human has somehow stop evolving in terms of knowledge. Remember the name Ibn. Sina, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Elva Edison and other inventors. I feel like there's no new findings in this world. Everything that we have is only a continued research over the old findings. There's no more wright brothers that want to invent something like... oh.. i thinks we already had everything....!!!!
Many people are blaming something or somebody for their failure to move forward. People says something like " I'll never be successful because this and that." Buts lets think it over. What do we lacking of in this century.. we already have all the advantages we need to be successful compared to 100 years ago. Some people are making success and some people keep saying that they're lacking something foe success.. lets think of this. who is determining our success? who is dictating our success?... yes.. the answer is our self. Not the prime minister (but please choose the right one so we can think of something else after we elect rather than waiting impatiently for another election), not our mum, not our friend.. although they can be advantage (or even disadvantage) they are not the prime factors.
Remember this, whatever that you do, you can do it better (Anthony Robbins).. its never the matter what is happening outside, but its what happening inside you!
what I'm trying to express is that i really think that human has somehow stop evolving in terms of knowledge. Remember the name Ibn. Sina, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Elva Edison and other inventors. I feel like there's no new findings in this world. Everything that we have is only a continued research over the old findings. There's no more wright brothers that want to invent something like... oh.. i thinks we already had everything....!!!!
Many people are blaming something or somebody for their failure to move forward. People says something like " I'll never be successful because this and that." Buts lets think it over. What do we lacking of in this century.. we already have all the advantages we need to be successful compared to 100 years ago. Some people are making success and some people keep saying that they're lacking something foe success.. lets think of this. who is determining our success? who is dictating our success?... yes.. the answer is our self. Not the prime minister (but please choose the right one so we can think of something else after we elect rather than waiting impatiently for another election), not our mum, not our friend.. although they can be advantage (or even disadvantage) they are not the prime factors.
Remember this, whatever that you do, you can do it better (Anthony Robbins).. its never the matter what is happening outside, but its what happening inside you!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
another GREAT things come
It has been almost 3 years since i worked on something big. Last time it was when i struggle to make 2k sales in one month in order to attain my Agency manager title. And i actually make more! that's amazing for me considering that I'm doing it part time and with a very tight working hour. At that time i was making a "nazar" that is to fast until i get my title. And it took me more than a month to accomplish that. With my latest training in NLP, now i know how things work. When we push our self correctly, telling our subconscious mind (by fasting-when i think of food, i remember my goal) continuously.. then all we can see, is chance! there is chance everywhere if we want to look for it.
there's a quote from a book " there's gold everywhere, but only a trained eyes that can see it". but sometimes there's people that is well train but didn't see it simply because they don't want to see it!
After the NLP seminar, all i want to do is train people in NLP. To help them increase their choice and gain more control in whatever they want. Focusing deeply on this dream has in proven worthy for me that now i have a chance to do a crash course training on this subject. I don't know how its going to be. But I'm trying my best to give the best for the best of the best.. BEST GILER!!
here goes the future anthony robbins.. hahaha
there's a quote from a book " there's gold everywhere, but only a trained eyes that can see it". but sometimes there's people that is well train but didn't see it simply because they don't want to see it!
After the NLP seminar, all i want to do is train people in NLP. To help them increase their choice and gain more control in whatever they want. Focusing deeply on this dream has in proven worthy for me that now i have a chance to do a crash course training on this subject. I don't know how its going to be. But I'm trying my best to give the best for the best of the best.. BEST GILER!!
here goes the future anthony robbins.. hahaha
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hei! Its my idea!
Couple of years ago, when i was trying to choose a colour and concept for my car, i found out that every concept that i decide has been opted by somebody else! many of them! all theese while theese cars or mpv's is already there and i had'nt notice it untill i think about it. It goes the same when i choose the type of car that i want to buy. Somehow there's suddenly a flood of Toyota SEG on the road.. haha..
If i want to use NLP to explain this phenomena, it must be the filter in our brain that caused this. The filter only tell you what you need to know and get rid of the rest.. like what you feel under your feet.........
which you doesnt realise untill u read about it.. don't you?
This thing happen over and over again, including now, to me... i'm in a process of doing something when suddenly i found out that there's another guy doing it.. BIG TIME! so what am i going to do? surrender..? definitely not.. this is only a piece of a bigger challenge cake that i'm going to face. Its too late to turn back now. Once i've decided... to do it... but because of this competition, i'll going to do it... better...
If i want to use NLP to explain this phenomena, it must be the filter in our brain that caused this. The filter only tell you what you need to know and get rid of the rest.. like what you feel under your feet.........
which you doesnt realise untill u read about it.. don't you?
This thing happen over and over again, including now, to me... i'm in a process of doing something when suddenly i found out that there's another guy doing it.. BIG TIME! so what am i going to do? surrender..? definitely not.. this is only a piece of a bigger challenge cake that i'm going to face. Its too late to turn back now. Once i've decided... to do it... but because of this competition, i'll going to do it... better...
NLP training
Lets cut things short, and jump into what i got after being certified as a NLP, NLP coaching, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy (tm) practicioner.. After all theese years of brainstorming my gray matter on why is it too hard for me to move on, what do i really want, why is the world seems so "grey and dull" for me and what else that i've missed that if i get it will change all my life?.. Finally i got the answer...!!
Let me explain about NLP first. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro= nervous system (the mind) activities, Linguistic = any form language that our brain use to process things, may it be word, picture, feelings etc. Programming = the program that our brain used. in other word NLP is how we use our brain language to achieve our desired goal.
So, how's that helped me. Well, in NLP we work with our subconcious mind because it have a great power in controlling our behaviour, mentality, health, you name it.... if we wondering why is that we are damaging ourself mentally and physically, the answer is that we might have installed a wrong program into it. If we have a bad memories, or bad emotion that we refuse to resolve, it'll suppress it and from time to time bring it out for us to get rid of it otherwise it'll suppress it again and it will start to take effect to our body, bringing desease in our body as well as creating bad attitude and limited decision thus limiting our success.
During the course, we have chances to do it to each other, removing our limited decision and bad emotion, inserting goal more effectively with Time Line Therapy (tm). And if you think that we can get this in other type of motivational course, you are definitely.....wrong! i mean like removing phobias in 10 - 20 minutes, i dont think there's any other technique out there that can beat this time, isn't it? ....
As at the time this article written, i believe that this is the best, most cutting edge technique that we have to motivate ourself. And i'm glad that i've decided to participate in it. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for everyone that supporting me into this, especially my beloved Wife Azizah, mak, ibu, the trainer, Assoc. prof. Dr. Kamarul, as well as other marvellous participants, Bro Khairuldathran (Real - estate entrepreneur), Assoc. Prof. Mohammad from UiTM, And Kamal (Phd. student of UIA, from Palestine, good luck with your Phd!) and the most important, Thanks Allah for showing me this path. I promise to be a very good servant of yours, InsyaAllah.
Let me explain about NLP first. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro= nervous system (the mind) activities, Linguistic = any form language that our brain use to process things, may it be word, picture, feelings etc. Programming = the program that our brain used. in other word NLP is how we use our brain language to achieve our desired goal.
So, how's that helped me. Well, in NLP we work with our subconcious mind because it have a great power in controlling our behaviour, mentality, health, you name it.... if we wondering why is that we are damaging ourself mentally and physically, the answer is that we might have installed a wrong program into it. If we have a bad memories, or bad emotion that we refuse to resolve, it'll suppress it and from time to time bring it out for us to get rid of it otherwise it'll suppress it again and it will start to take effect to our body, bringing desease in our body as well as creating bad attitude and limited decision thus limiting our success.
During the course, we have chances to do it to each other, removing our limited decision and bad emotion, inserting goal more effectively with Time Line Therapy (tm). And if you think that we can get this in other type of motivational course, you are definitely.....wrong! i mean like removing phobias in 10 - 20 minutes, i dont think there's any other technique out there that can beat this time, isn't it? ....
As at the time this article written, i believe that this is the best, most cutting edge technique that we have to motivate ourself. And i'm glad that i've decided to participate in it. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for everyone that supporting me into this, especially my beloved Wife Azizah, mak, ibu, the trainer, Assoc. prof. Dr. Kamarul, as well as other marvellous participants, Bro Khairuldathran (Real - estate entrepreneur), Assoc. Prof. Mohammad from UiTM, And Kamal (Phd. student of UIA, from Palestine, good luck with your Phd!) and the most important, Thanks Allah for showing me this path. I promise to be a very good servant of yours, InsyaAllah.
Monday, March 8, 2010
I'm proud to be stupid v.2.0
There are many kind of people, in education, there are people like those C.E.O of ultra-hyper-mega (U-H-M)company which own great education and high creativity, people like the worker of the U-H-M-company which have education, skill and a lot of disciplines to follow the dont-be-creative s.o.p or k.p.i from their peer, and there are owner of U-H-M company like Bill Gates which the education is mostly based on creativity and make more error to make more success education. (After all,where do you think the knowledge of light bulb came from?)
There are so many knowledge available in this universe, and there are so many way to learn, why do we need to stick only to one kind of education? even though its what most people reckon, it doesn't mean that it suit us for good, at all... yup, it is the basic knowledge and we need it to further our learning to a higher level. But for me, higher level is mine to determine. Its mine to accredit it. But don't take me wrong, I'm not against conventional education. Its yours to choose, or better, combined.
For this log is meant for them who no longer can accept formal education, or too old to enjoyed it. what i'm trying to express is that we always can be stupid in one side and be brilliant or even genius in the other side. Our goal will determined what should we acquire most. Don't stop, don't quit, don't give up, there will always be hope, as long as you dont stop hoping. Knowledge is Allah's. He can give anything that he want to. lets pray to be better in everything good.. Bismillah.....
There are so many knowledge available in this universe, and there are so many way to learn, why do we need to stick only to one kind of education? even though its what most people reckon, it doesn't mean that it suit us for good, at all... yup, it is the basic knowledge and we need it to further our learning to a higher level. But for me, higher level is mine to determine. Its mine to accredit it. But don't take me wrong, I'm not against conventional education. Its yours to choose, or better, combined.
For this log is meant for them who no longer can accept formal education, or too old to enjoyed it. what i'm trying to express is that we always can be stupid in one side and be brilliant or even genius in the other side. Our goal will determined what should we acquire most. Don't stop, don't quit, don't give up, there will always be hope, as long as you dont stop hoping. Knowledge is Allah's. He can give anything that he want to. lets pray to be better in everything good.. Bismillah.....
I'm proud to be stupid
I used to think that I'm smart. I used to have good grade in my big examination, UPSR, PMR not to mention mid year and year end test. I used to think that it was a gift from Allah because it was almost effortless, i didn't finish my homework, i don't memorized "sifir" (for me its more like "sihir"). I talked when the teacher talked, i didn't go to tuition classes, i didn't revised that much. I involved and love illegal race. All these crap, I still compete with those that have better education - based family.
But it ended there, as soon as i put my self in jail they called good-grade-elite-school. I don't hate them, and its not their fault. They has prove themselves as they gave birth to many successful people. But like car wheel, they will kill each other if they don't align. Its me that fail to suit in. i glad i didn't. if i do, this log will not been published.
Its the no-fail education that locked me up.
or better explained locked my brain up. when everything must be done according to their rules (don't-be-creative rules) synapses (electrical signal that braincell send to other braincell) stops and my brain turn into sleep mode (and the brain tell me to sleep in class as well! :D).

To be continued....
But it ended there, as soon as i put my self in jail they called good-grade-elite-school. I don't hate them, and its not their fault. They has prove themselves as they gave birth to many successful people. But like car wheel, they will kill each other if they don't align. Its me that fail to suit in. i glad i didn't. if i do, this log will not been published.
Its the no-fail education that locked me up.

To be continued....
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Reading my past writing in this blog always make me smile - sometimes chuckled! not because of the content, but to grammatical error and the lacking of vocabulary and the not to forget, the stupidity of the idea.. hahaha. There are many occasion that i want to re-write it, improve the content, make it more interesting but i didn't. I believe that I'm improving rapidly in many areas and writing these blog help me to keep track on my own I.Q, E.Q, S.Q, B.B.Q.....whatsoever..
So far I've learned that some of my writing copy most of the thought and principle from books that I've recently read of from any lecture that I've listen. Its not so pure, like many of those 'copy-from-the-bestseller' books, so cliche that it'll make u sleep in 60 seconds.
Hmm.. suddenly i feel like mind-mapping my strength v.s weaknesses in writing and creative.. I think you should do that too!!! JOM!!
So far I've learned that some of my writing copy most of the thought and principle from books that I've recently read of from any lecture that I've listen. Its not so pure, like many of those 'copy-from-the-bestseller' books, so cliche that it'll make u sleep in 60 seconds.
Hmm.. suddenly i feel like mind-mapping my strength v.s weaknesses in writing and creative.. I think you should do that too!!! JOM!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
This two week has been strenuous to my wife and me, and perhaps, everyone around us. as early as our 2nd month of marriage my wife has been diagnose with stage 2b uni-lateral ovarian carcinoma a.k.a ovarian cancer. On knowing this many thought lingering around us, such as may we have a child later on? would this surgery be safe on my wife? i just want my wife to be safe and healthy..
Helps pouring in. people pray, solat hajat, recite yaa- sinn verse, buying and giving books on cancer, recommending ustaz for doa and healing water, buying food suplement, nevertheless.. rain of tears.. thanks everyone!
i just cant help myself but thinking of it day and nite.. specially the night before the operation.
the day...
They mobilized her @ 8.30 a.m to the operation theater we (kak ina, makcik and i) waited patiently @ ward 8td HUSM. The operation is run by team 4 leaded by Prof Nik Zaki. whose they claim one of the best in O&G.
i goes to the O.T (Operation Theater) @ noon as anxiety start eating me alive. as soon as i dip my butt on the bench the doctor call me.. jeng jeng jeng... she show me the flesh that they had taken out of my wife, there are 10 of them, 2 as big as my fist, and 8 little one.. and guess what, its all benign!!!! Alhamdulillah..
Helps pouring in. people pray, solat hajat, recite yaa- sinn verse, buying and giving books on cancer, recommending ustaz for doa and healing water, buying food suplement, nevertheless.. rain of tears.. thanks everyone!
i just cant help myself but thinking of it day and nite.. specially the night before the operation.
the day...
They mobilized her @ 8.30 a.m to the operation theater we (kak ina, makcik and i) waited patiently @ ward 8td HUSM. The operation is run by team 4 leaded by Prof Nik Zaki. whose they claim one of the best in O&G.
i goes to the O.T (Operation Theater) @ noon as anxiety start eating me alive. as soon as i dip my butt on the bench the doctor call me.. jeng jeng jeng... she show me the flesh that they had taken out of my wife, there are 10 of them, 2 as big as my fist, and 8 little one.. and guess what, its all benign!!!! Alhamdulillah..
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